
Your Credit Score Will Ultimately Determine the Cost Of Your Mortgage Loan

Your credit score is absolutely crucial when you are applying for a home mortgage loan because a low credit score will inevitably translate to paying higher interest rates. In fact, a low credit score may even prevent you from attaining a mortgage loan at all from certain lenders. To learn your credit score, you should […]

Get A C.L.U.E. Before you Buy your New Home

A C.L.U.E. report stands for a Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange.  The “exchange” in this particular situation represents the information that the home insurance loss underwrites about home insurance claims. Based off an article at, one in every fifteen homes possesses an insurance claim every year.  This is something that could potentially be very important […]

Are You Ready to Buy a Home?

Naturally, shopping around for a new home can be a very overwhelming and especially daunting task, as it is a life decision you could be living with for the next 30 years, or even more.  Taking this search seriously is a vital part towards finding your dream home, but there are some signs that may […]

Recent Stock Meltdown May Help Buy Your New Home

Because of the Fed’s recent decision to raise interest rates, along with inquiries about China’s economy, now may be a great time to buy the home you’ve always dreamed of. Money going into Treasury’s now has mortgage rates at a two-month low. 30 year mortgages are now at about 3.92%! The housing market has successfully […]